Tongue scraping- Yes or No? Of course a clean tongue is a must for preventing bad odour from mouth but excessive scraping has been shown to depapillate the tongue (harms the taste buds).

Use a good tongue scraper/ cleaner daily. Some toothbrushes come with a built in scraper. All you need is something firmer than the bristles as the bristles are meant to clean hard surfaces while the tongue is spongy.
You also need to consult a dentist about what tongue brush/ scraper you should use. In case you have a hairy or geographical tongue, the dentist will prescribe a more rigorous regimen. You can email us a clear picture of your tongue and we can share our advice here at Vyom Dental Clinic. Email-
Between metal or plastic scrapers, the choice is yours. If you do not use much force while scraping and are not overenthusiastic about the cleaning, you can go for metal scrapers which are easy to sterilize, clean and are long lasting. Plastic ones are milder on teeth and you can use them if you are not sure about metallic ones. But, you need to change the plastic ones more frequently as they are more difficult to clean and tend to stain easily.
Also, if you have a strong gag reflex, it is better to use a shorter scraper and avoid gagging. Do not try to scrape the back of your throat.
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