Friday, January 9, 2015

Dental Implants.

What is a dental implant? A dental implant is essentially a titanium screw or cylinder, between 8mm and 16mm long, which is inserted into a prepared bony socket in your jaw and acts as a replacement root for your missing tooth. A special attachment, called the abutment, is fitted to the top of the implant and forms the external connection for the new replacement tooth (crown) or teeth (bridge or denture).

How long does it last? Dental implants can last for many years and probably for a life time, if properly maintained with adequate brushing and flossing. In addition to brushing and flossing you should also visit a good dental expert for regular dental checkups after every six months. It is probably true to say that dental implants, like natural teeth will last for as long as you care for your implants.

Dental problems usually stem from poor oral hygiene and dental treatment when required. It is also the same in case implants. If you don’t care for your implants, a coating will develop like neglected natural teeth. If it is left untreated it can lead to gum infection and general discomfort. So the answer to your question is the success of implants depends on a few factors like the way you live with proper nutrition, the dentist you choose to get your dental implants, quality of dental care and if the bone they are fitted to is strong and healthy.

Call us today to get a consultation 8802774703

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Healthy Mouth- An infographic

Northwestpharmacy just teamed up with HealthPerch to create this infographic Healthy Mouth, and in collaboration with them, Vyom Dental Clinic presents this infographic to you

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Tongue Cleaning- Yay or Nay!

Tongue scraping- Yes or No? Of course a clean tongue is a must for preventing bad odour from mouth but excessive scraping has been shown to depapillate the tongue (harms the taste buds).

Use a good tongue scraper/ cleaner daily. Some toothbrushes come with a built in scraper. All you need is something firmer than the bristles as the bristles are meant to clean hard surfaces while the tongue is spongy.

You also need to consult a dentist about what tongue brush/ scraper you should use. In case you have a hairy or geographical tongue, the dentist will prescribe a more rigorous regimen. You can email us a clear picture of your tongue and we can share our advice here at Vyom Dental Clinic. Email-

Between metal or plastic scrapers, the choice is yours. If you do not use much force while scraping and are not overenthusiastic about the cleaning, you can go for metal scrapers which are easy to sterilize, clean and are long lasting. Plastic ones are milder on teeth and you can use them if you are not sure about metallic ones. But, you need to change the plastic ones more frequently as they are more difficult to clean and tend to stain easily.

Also, if you have a strong gag reflex, it is better to use a shorter scraper and avoid gagging. Do not try to scrape the back of your throat.


Friday, December 5, 2014

Top 5 things your dentist wants you to know

1. There is no perfect toothpaste that will cure your cavities.

This question keeps propping up every now and then during the dental consultation visits. Which paste to use? Well, the answer is out and it is a bit disappointing. There is no paste that can guarantee a cavity free mouth unless you do not follow a proper brushing technique. All fluoride-containing pastes work just fine.

2. There is no replacement to professional cleaning.

Really sorry to burst your bubble but there really isn't a chemical or ointment that you can apply on your teeth and they will turn shiny white. The fact is that the calculus or tartar that forms on your teeth is hard to remove even by brush.

3. There is no age limit for braces.

It is never too late for braces. Yes, it is easier to align the teeth when they are young but it doesn't mean that adults cannot get their crooked teeth corrected.

4. You shouldn't wait for the pain to start.

So, your dentist told you that you have small pit caries. You feel that it is unnecessary to get them filled as it's not paining yet. And that you can cure the pits by brushing properly. Well, you can't. The demineralized tooth is not going to remineralize and the pits make your tooth susceptible for food lodgement and foul odour.

5. Dental treatment is costly for a reason.

The equipment, the materials, the technical know-how, it all costs money. And the material we're putting in your mouth is going to become one with your body. It is costly because it is good and our education also costed us a fortune. Invest in your teeth and live a comfortable life. Ask for discounts, and you will be demeaning your health care provider's expertise and education. You're welcome to do a market survey and make a choice based on your best options though.